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At the beginning of each year, the PTA kicks off the annual Monte Vista School Pride Campaign – to raise critical funds needed to pay for extracurricular programs such as Arts, Physical Education, Music and more.  Monies raised also support the computer lab, library, sciences, guidance counseling and more.

Why is this annual fundraiser important?

Due to ongoing state budget cuts, these programs are not covered by public funds – and are possible only because of our generous donations made by Monte Vista family contributions.  

Who should donate?

Every child at Monte Vista benefits from these programs!  Therefore we ask each Monte Vista family to contribute to this important campaign!  Often companies have donation match programs as well!

How much should I donate?

Every dollar counts!  While the suggested amount per student it $450 – we ask that every family contribute what they can afford.  If you can afford to donate more, please remember that not all families are able to contribute the suggested amount but all of our kids deserve the very best education our community can provide.  

For those on a tighter budget, monthly payments can be made with post-dated checks or preauthorized credit card charges.  Please contact our Monte Vista School Pride Community to arrange an alternative payment schedule:

How do I donate?

  1. Donate online - via the PTA Pride Campaign Paypal account: 
    Click here to donate now to the Monte Vista PTA through PayPal!
  2. Donate by check – bring into school office!  Or mail donation to: 
    Monte Vista School 
    C/O School Pride Campiagn
    730 North Hope Avenue
    Santa Barbara, CA 93110


Contact our Monte Vista School Pride Committee

Thank you for your consideration and contribution to this important fundraiser!

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Monte Vista Elementary



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COMPLAINTS REGARDING DISCRIMINATION Public agencies, including school districts, may not discriminate against you on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin (including language), political affiliation, disability, marital status, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, or any other applicable bases. This means that these agencies must provide the same aid, benefits and services to all individuals and groups, except as authorized by federal or state law or the Governor's executive order. If you believe that you have been discriminated against, you may take one or all of the following actions: You may talk with the District Superintendent at (805) 682-2564 or in person at 3970 La Colina Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110. State the basis of the discrimination (for example, age, race, sex), the specific allegation (who, what, when) and the resolution you are seeking. You have 180 days from the date the alleged discrimination occurred to make a complaint or request an investigation. If the Superintendent fails to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you may request an investigation. The Board of Trustees will investigate the complaint and inform you of the outcome.
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